Pawn some items/sell excess equipment until you have $500.There is an ammo shop at the southwestern end. Go to Quartz, a four-square city to the northwest.Your first quest will be to find an engine. Use perception on the pump beside the bed.You'll find a secret cache under the bed. Find the building with the bed and junk.Rescue Jackie in the hidden cave on the west side (by talking to the boy use Perceptionto find the cave).Try and enter all the various buildings.You start out at Ranger Center in the southern part of the Wasteland.If you have any other problems or updates, you can reach me at Caesar's Palace: (213) 398-1224, node for most WWIV nets. Oh, by the way, if you really want to thank me, send me the solution put out by Origin. There's also a section on general hints and some unknowns. There are many parts to this file: the basic solution, an essay on character creation and a list of all the armor, weapons and equipment you'll find in the game. This solve covers many of the main points to the Wasteland scenario, but I hope I didn't miss too many nuances.

And if you haven't bought the game, yet, do. The great variety of skills you can put into your characters, the smooth interface and the rock-solid (well, almost) plot is reason enough to put this among the classics. This game is one of the best games EVER created. Wasteland Solution Finished August 1st, 1991 Written in ASCII format by Jc 2 Alright, kiddies, here's a modern solution file to that three year-old adventure game called Wasteland. Temple of the Servants of the Mushroom Cloud.